Rome City Schools Updated Safety Information

Rome City Schools Updated Safety Information

ROME, GA— The Rome City Schools Board of Education held a called board meeting on Aug. 12, 2022, where they discussed security plans. During the meeting, Interim Superintendent Dr. Dawn Williams detailed the features of two weapon detection systems. The two systems considered, Athena and Evolv, both will assist in detecting weapons with pros and cons of each reviewed by the Board.

The costs of each system were addressed, and Dr. Williams decided that after discussions with the security staff and local law enforcement officials, Evolv would better suit the needs of RCS. Both systems are portable and weatherproof, so they can be moved to outside events. Evolv has an option for double and single lanes for ease of entry. It was recommended by Williams that system purchase a double and a single lane for the high school and two single lanes for the middle school.

Additionally, the Evolv system is outfitted with cameras mounted on the scanner used to pinpoint the area of a human body where a weapon has been detected.

Board member Dr. Melissa Davis was present for a live demonstration of the Evolv system. She reported that the system will not alert the detection of belt buckles or notebooks, but the technology will register a Chromebook passing through the scanner. By holding the Chromebook out in front of them as they pass through the scanner, students can be cleared for entry.

Installation of each system would take approximately five to six weeks.

Total four-year cost for each system:

Athena - $313,084
Evolv - $375, 506.25

Also discussed was hiring additional school resource officers and where the system could source them. Options ranging from hiring a private security firm to reaching out to other local law enforcement agencies were considered but will need further research by the schools’ legal representation to determine viability.

The Board unanimously voted to approve the purchase of the Evolv system.

As more updates become available, Rome City Schools will communicate them via our social media pages and the system website at: