Rome City Schools is hosting an Employee Recruitment Fair on Saturday, February 5, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the College and Career Academy! There will be opportunities for aspiring teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, school cafeteria staff and janitorial service positions. Bring your resume and join the Pack! GO WOLVES!!

To kick off Heart Health Month, Healthcare Pathway students from RHS, assisted with blood pressure screenings this morning at AKD.

RCS is very fortunate to have an awesome work-based learning (WBL) program. Our students get business and industry experiences in their CTAE pathway. WBL students work in paid positions and in internship roles while earning credits for graduation. Last year our students in the WBL programing earned $226,941.00. RCS is excited about more opportunities the students have this year!
CTAE Student Spotlight.... Meet Darlyn Morales
Darlyn is a SkillsUSA state officer serving as the Vice President of Communications. She is the president of the Rome High Chapter of SkillsUSA. Darlyn has won various competitions for her work in AVTF, has created commercials for local businesses and has worked as a videographer for the Rome Braves. She will be with them again this coming baseball season. Darlyn is not only a member of SkillsUSA, but she is also a CTAE Ambassador representing the AVTF pathway, and plans to continue her AVTF education after high school.
Way to go, Darlyn!

Progress Reports will be sent home Thursday, February 10.
Go Wolves!

Progress Reports will be sent home TODAY (Thursday, February 3)!!!

The Atrium Health Care Clinic at the RCS College and Career will be open from 7:30AM-4:30PM on January 14, 2022. https://www.floyd.org/about-floyd/romecityschool/Pages/default.aspx

Interested in Dual Enrollment? Attend the January 27th meeting at the CCA. Doors will open at 5:30, presentation will begin at 6:00. See you there!

**Reminder** Classes resume January 4, 2022. Masks are required for all students, faculty and staff.

RCS is aware of the TikTok Challenge referencing school violence on December 17, 2021. The RCS community will see an increase in law enforcement around each school campus. Please report any additional concerns to school administrators. Safety is the top priority of RCS.

Rome City Schools is hosting an Employee Recruitment Fair on Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the College and Career Academy! There will be opportunities for aspiring teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, school cafeteria staff and janitorial service positions. Bring you resume and join the Pack! GO WOLVES!!

Hey Wolves, check out the deals at BSN store!

Student Film Competition winners from RCS College and Career Academy !!
These students won 2nd place with their film, "Gilbert's Great Chase."
Pictured: Daneli Martinez (Producer), Haley Melendez (storyboard & editing) & Issac Parker (Director).

Rome City Schools is hosting a Teacher Recruitment Fair on Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the College and Career Academy!
There will be opportunities for aspiring teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, school cafeteria staff and janitorial service positions.
Bring you resume and join the Pack!

Progress Reports will be sent home TODAY (Thursday, November 18)!!!

Don't Forget!
Students will be on THANKSGIVING BREAK from November 22 through 26!
Go Wolves!

There has been some misinformation reported that Rome City Schools will not be in session tomorrow. This is false.
We will be in class for the regularly scheduled school day.
Any information regarding school closure or schedule changes will be made available through the System’s communication department.

Rome City Schools is hosting a voluntary COVID-19 Vaccination Event on Monday, November 1 from 9:30am until 12:00pm in the Large Meeting Room at the College and Career Academy.
This event is open to the public for those who wish to receive their first round of the vaccine.
The booster will be available for RCS employees.

Monday, November 1 will be a Flexible Learning Day for ALL of Rome City Schools!
Flexible Learning Days are days that students will not report to school and will instead complete lessons or tasks at home or off-campus.

Our Rome High Cross Country Wolves will compete this coming weekend, Saturday, October 23rd, in Whitesburg, GA for the Region 5-AAAAAA Championship!
The top 4 teams from the region will qualify for the 2021 GHSA State Championship which will be held on November 5th-6th in Carrollton, GA.
According to Head Coach Nick Bridges, each member of the team has made significant improvements in their times, commitment, and expectations of what it takes to RACE WITH CONFIDENCE.
Good luck, Wolves!!